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Aspiring to be a savant, but for now just a watch idiot
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Post by saldog on Aug 23, 2022 11:15:36 GMT -8
I was thinking it was a ferrous alloy dial ring but I see now that the dial rests on the mainplate (I haven't had a 6217 WT apart before, but I have had a couple 6117s apart and they are the same). I don't think dissimilar metals will be an issue because there is not a huge galvanic difference between nickel and brass, hence the reason why brass is frequently nickel plated. Edit: Unless the stainless case ring is close enough to the edge anyway. I'm switching my hypothesis to trilo 's. It could just be good ol' fashioned sweat as the culprit. I think the underside of the dial has definetely tarnished through some sort of reaction, no sweaty/greasy hands there (tarnish was actually the word I have been looking for the whole time ). What I mean is the bezel with the cities on it. The gray stains on the edge look like finger prints to me (finger marks above Los Angeles?). I think the edge of the rotating ring is subject to wear and the plating may wear away and expose the brass, causing it to tarnish (which it does naturally when exposed to air). But it is awful suspicious that it's Los Angeles where this is happening...
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Post by Fergus on Aug 25, 2022 3:50:45 GMT -8
Sharp edges/corners are not conducive to surface finishes. When too sharp there is very little, if any, coating be it paint or electro applied at that location. Electroplated items require minimum radii on edges to achieve good protection. Painted and or enamel surfaces are much the same.
Post by dapellegrini on Jun 26, 2023 19:03:09 GMT -8
For posterity sake, here are a few more "back of the dial" shots for the 6217-7000's... I suspect the MADE IN JAPAN dials have this white matt finish applied, whereas the JAPAN 6217-7000TAD dials have perhaps spots of it, but otherwise not the same. (I bet Rod's example is a TAD version) I also have a theory that the TAD dials were for oversees markets, with the MADE IN JAPAN dials being for JDM MADE IN JAPAN #1 MADE IN JAPAN #2 JAPAN 6271-7000TAD #1
Post by nzwatchdoctor on Jun 28, 2023 2:39:07 GMT -8
That and why isn't the guy in the photo wearing finger cots when touching it !!! Finger cots - another way to produce rubbish for no good reason ;-( They also give less feel than skin too.
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Aspiring to be a savant, but for now just a watch idiot
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Post by saldog on Jun 28, 2023 6:27:53 GMT -8
That and why isn't the guy in the photo wearing finger cots when touching it !!! Finger cots - another way to produce rubbish for no good reason ;-( They also give less feel than skin too. You must have lots of children
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Post by appumaster on Jun 28, 2023 23:32:21 GMT -8